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If your HEA falls to zero or lower, you roll an injury (INJ) on the relevant wounds table (based on the type of damage suffered). This is a d6 + your current INJ, which is equal to the rating of the highest wound you’re currently suffering from, or 0 if you have no wounds. After you suffer a wound, you reset your HEA to its maximum.

Wound Types

There are two types of wounds, minor and severe. Minor wounds are any wound with an injury level less than 8. Severe wounds have an injury level of 8 or higher.

Minor wounds can be healed by a long rest, but severe wounds cannot. At that point, extensive rest, powerful magic, or rare potions are the only methods to remove those wounds.

Wound Saves

For minor wounds, you roll saves on your turn as normal. For severe wounds, you cannot save for the condition imposed unless it deals damage over time (bleeding, burning, etc.) or

Crush Wounds

These wounds are often caused by blunt melee weapons such as maces or powerful monsters. They often involve moving the Paladin, breaking their bones, and conditions that cannot be saved against. For those special conditions, the wound itself must be healed for the condition to disappear.

INJCrush Wounds
1Smashed → knocked prone
2Drained → lose (6) stamina
3Smashed → pushed 2 square and knocked prone
4Drained → lose (12) stamina
5Smashed → pushed 4 squares and knocked prone
6Exhausting → pushed 2 squares and gain the slowed condition
7Exhausting → pushed 4 squares and gain the slowed condition
8Bone broken → gain the broken condition
9Limb broken → gain the broken condition and unable to use one limb
10Back broken → gain the immobilized and stunned conditions
11Skull broken → gain the unconscious condition
12+Shattered → pushed 4 squares, knocked prone, gain the unconscious and dying conditions

Piercing + Slashing Wounds

These wounds are the most common and can be caused by arrows, swords, and animals. They leaving bleeding wounds that will weaken and then kill the Paladin if left untreated.

INJPiercing + Slashing Wounds
2Cut → lose (2) stamina and (2) willpower
3Cut → lose (4) stamina and (4) willpower
4Bleeding → gain the bleeding (2) condition (save ends)
5Bleeding → gain the bleeding (4) condition (save ends)
6Bleeding → gain the bleeding (6) condition (save ends)
7Bleeding → gain the bleeding (8) condition (save ends)
8Shock → gain the dazed condition
9Arm withered → gain the impaired condition (one arm)
10Leg withered → gain the impaired condition (one leg)
11Withered → gain the immobilized condition and impaired condition (two limbs)
12+Bleeding out → Gain the unconscious and dying conditions

Massive Wounds

You do not add your injury level to rolls on the massive wounds table, you only roll a d12. These wounds are often caused by alchemy, magic, and monsters. They can kill or sever limbs with ease. If a limb is severed, it cannot be restored to the body.

d12Massive Wounds
1Blasted → gain the prone condition and lose (12) stamina
2Broken → gain the broken and prone conditions
3Broken → gain the immobilized, prone, and stunned conditions
4Concussed → gain the dazed and stunned conditions, MIN save or gain unconscious too
5Concussed → gain the dazed and stunned conditions, MIN save or gain unconscious too
6Concussed → gain the unconscious condition
7Limb destroyed → arm is severed, can only use one hand
8Limb destroyed → leg is severed, gain the immobilized condition
9Limbs fragmented → lose d4 limbs (1-2 arms, 3-4 legs)
10+Dismembered → gain the unconscious and dying conditions, lose d4 limbs (roll d4)
d4Random severed limb
1Left arm
2Right arm
3Left leg
4Right leg

Magic Wounds

These wounds are often caused by alchemy, spells, and monsters. There are several tables for common types of magic.

d12Flame Wounds
1-7Burned → gain the burning (4) condition
8-11Scorched → gain the burning (8) condition
12+Incinerated → gain the burning (16) condition
d12Frost Wounds
1-7Numbed → gain the slowed condition and lose (4) stamina
8-11Chilled → gain the immobilized condition and lose (8) stamina
12+Frozen → gain the exposed condition
d12Spark Wounds
1-7Sparked → gain the dazed condition and lose (4) will
8-11Shocked → gain the stunned condition and lose (8) will
12+Overwhelmed → gain the exposed condition

Broken Will

These conditions are triggered when your will is broken by a powerful spirit or magic. If your WIL falls to zero or lower, you roll a d6 on the broken will table. Afterwards, you regain a number of WIL equal to d6 + MIN.

d6Broken Will
1Confused → gain the slowed condition.
2Overwhelmed → gain the immobilized condition.
3Cracked → gain the dazed condition.
4Splintered → gain the stunned condition.
5Strained → gain the frightened condition.
6Broken → gain the exposed condition.