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Martial Practices

To learn martial practices, you must have the martial practice feat.

Martial practices are potent skills that require specialized training. Each martial practice has a level, ability score requirements, execution time, and duration. To perform a martial practice, the character must retain focus for the continuous execution time and potentially make a check using the relevant ability score.

Most martial practices have the effect automatically occur, but some modify the effect based on the results of a check.

Courier’s Training

Level 1
Requirements: END 1
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 12-24 hours

You can run without stopping for a time. Make an END check. On success, you can run for 24 hours without stopping. On failure, you can run for 12 hours without stopping.

Feign Death

Level 1
Requirements: VIT 1
Time: Instantaneous
Duration: up to 12 hours

You slow your heartbeat and breathing to be imperceptible to creatures. You appear unconscious, but are aware of your surroundings. You can emerge from this state as a free action. Creatures have -4 to checks to avoid being surprised by this.


Level 1
Requirements: DEX 1 or INT 1
Time: 1 hour
Duration: NA

You patrol the nearby area in a 1 mile radius. At the end of the exploration, you know the locations of any buildings, ruins, natural formations, bodies of water, or suitable campsites. You also detect the presence of any inhabitants and whether or not they are hostile to you. You have +4 to avoid triggering an skirmish while you are on patrol in this manner.

Siege Engineer (1)

Level 1
Requirements: INT 1
Time: Special
Duration: NA

This practice assumes you have the natural resources and tools to construct siege engines and defenses. If you do not, you cannot perform this practice.

You are able to construct the following siege engines and defenses:

  • Ditch: You lead the construction of effective ditches. For each hour an individual works on the ditch, they can dig two holes that are 1 square in size with 1 square of depth or one hole that is 1 square in size and 2 squares of depth.
  • Ram: You lead the construction of effective battering rams. In 1 hour, you can construct a battering ram that must be wielded by at least 2 times d6 individuals and deals damage equal to d12 + the amount of people wielding the ram to structures. If you spend an additional week to improve the ram, you can add wheels for ease of movement and a roof to protect the ram wielders. This roof has 10 STH and counts as superior cover.

Siege Engineer (2)

Level 2
Requirements: INT 2
Time: Special
Duration: NA

This practice assumes you have the natural resources and tools to construct siege engines and defenses. If you do not, you cannot perform this practice.

You are able to construct the following siege engines and defenses:

  • Ballista: You lead the construction of a ballista. In 24 hours, you can construct a ballista and 3d6 heavy bolts for ammunition. The ballista weighs 400 lbs and requires two people to load. As a standard action, an operator can fire a bolt up to 200 squares and it deals d6 STH damage.
  • Tower: You lead the construction of a siege tower with the help of at least 10 people. In one week, you can construct a siege tower with wheels and a shielded platform that is 2 squares high. For each additional week, you can increase the height by 2 squares. The siege tower has a STH equal to 10 times the height in squares of the tower.

Silent Speech

Level 1
Requirements: INT 2
Time: NA
Duration: NA

You can communicate via pantomime. Your sentences cannot be longer than three words or communicate abstract concepts such as love, but any creature can understand simple dialog like asking where an animal went, coordinating when to move or attack, or asking where fresh water is.

Survivor’s Trade

Level 1
Requirements: INT 1
Time: 1 hour
Duration: NA

You find suitable or construct suitable shelter to survive in the wild. It may not be comfortable, but it can survive harsh weather. If you constructed the shelter, it lasts for 24 hours.

Tame Beast

Level 1
Requirements: SPI 1
Time: 1 minute
Duration: Special

Using your voice and hands, you are able to tame a non-hostile, non-human creature. If it is an animal that can be ridden, it will allow you to mount it. It will listen to your commands as long as they do not put it in danger. If you succeed on a SPI check, it will follow a dangerous command. If it feels betrayed, it will flee from you.


Level 1
Requirements: INT 2
Time: 1 minute
Duration: 2 hours

You can examine tracks left by a creature or creature(s). You can tell what type of creature left the tracks, their numbers, and the direction they’re heading. Make an INT check. On success, you can also tell their pace, if they’re wounded, and what they are transporting with them.


Level 2
Requirements: INT 1
Time: 30 minutes
Duration: 7 days

You construct a snare or pit trap. Snares take up no space and have a 25% chance of success each day you check them. A pit trap occupies one square. Creatures must make an opposed intelligence check to avoid falling into the trap. If they fall in, they are immobilized and take 4 times your INT in damage.

Thief’s Guile

Level 1
Requirements: DEX 2
Time: Instantaneous
Duration: NA

You hide a small object that weighs no more than 5 lbs on your person or in a structure. It cannot be found unless its container (cloak, wall, cart, etc.) is destroyed.

Weather Vane

Level 1
Requirements: INT 1
Time: 1 minute
Duration: 6 hours

You predict what weather changes will occur (if any) nearby and up to 20 miles away. You also detect when the weather will change.