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The following feats are not restricted by class and can be selected whenever you would gain a feat.

  • Alert: You have +4 to any check to avoid being surprised. Additionally, when an skirmish begins and before rolling initiative, you may spend 3 WIL to perform a warning cry. All allies who can hear it may add your SPI or INT to their initiative checks. You must be aware at the start of the skirmish.
  • Die Hard: Add +2 to death saves. Once per skirmish when you stabilize after rolling a third successful death save, you may return to consciousness with 1 HEA.
  • Energetic: When you regenerate stamina at the end of your turn, you may roll d12+END instead of d4+END.
  • Exposing Flank: When you flank an enemy and gain combat advantage, all your allies gain combat advantage against the target as well.
  • Fearless: Immune to the frightened condition.
  • Focused Mind: You add +4 to all concentration checks.
  • Iron Will: Before you roll a save versus a condition, you may spend a number of WIL up to your INT or MIN (whichever is higher) to add an equal amount to the save roll.
  • Mage Slayer: When an enemy in melee range makes a spell attack, you may perform an opportunity attack. If the attack deals damage, the spell fails.
  • Martial Practice: You gain the ability to learn martial practices. Select one martial practice from the martial practice list of your level or lower. You learn this practice.
  • Martial Practice (study): Requires the martial practice feat. Select one martial practice from the martial practice list of your level or lower. You learn this martial practice. You can take this feat multiple times.
  • Mordhau: You can use STR instead of DEX when attacking with a sword.
  • Ritualist: You gain the ability to learn rituals. Select one ritual from the ritual list of your level or lower. You learn this ritual.
  • Ritualist (expertise): Requires the ritualist feat. Select one ritual category from the ritual category list. You have advantage on all checks you make for rituals in that category.
  • Ritualist (study): Requires the ritualist feat. Select one ritual from the ritual list of your level or lower. You learn this ritual. You can take this feat multiple times.
  • Second Wind: Gain access to the second wind action. Once per skirmish, regain 8 HEA, 8 STA, and 8 WIL (up to your maximums) as a free action. Additionally, you gain +2 DEF until the start of your next turn.
  • Unyielding: Subtract 2 from all wound rolls.
  • Weapon Master (axes): When you hit a foe wielding a shield, you can decrease the damage dealt by the shield’s defense stat (-4 for heavy shield)
  • Weight Bearer: Increase your ENC limit by +4 and add +4 to any checks to lift heavy loads.