The majority of checks have a difficulty of 6 that you must roll over. You roll a d12 and add the relevant ability score.
Opposed Checks
When you roll an opposed check, you subtract the target’s same ability score from the roll.
A save is a check that removes a condition or prevents you from receiving a condition. All saves are rolled at the start of your turn, before the effect takes place. Certain saves, such as saves for wounds, require expending a resource, time, or a magic item in order to roll them.
If you have a relevant skill, you may “burn” it to add +4 to the check. Once a skill is burned in this manner, it cannot be used until you have a long rest.
Some checks might have advantage. In that case, roll 2d12 and take the highest die.
Some checks might have disadvantage. In that case, roll 2d12 and take the lowest die.