The Weaver
An acolyte who poured over Myrddin’s handwritten tomes for inklings of knowledge. A class that focuses on forcefully re-positioning and debuffing enemies. Controller.
- Take consecrated robes or sable robes.
- Take ash staff, crystal orb, hawthorn wand, hazel wand, or runic ring.
- Take dagger, shortsword, axe, or mace.
- Take spell hoard ring.
You unlock abilities and feats as you level up. There are three builds for this class that you can follow for quick character creation and level ups. These builds are optional guides, you do not need to follow them.
The Wizard
A caster who focuses on learning powerful rituals. To make this build, make INT your highest score for rituals. Make ARC your second highest score for magic implements and armor. Then invest in MIN to increase your willpower. Select cantrips and spells that are useful in and out of combat.
- Suggested Gear: consecrated robes, hazel wand, dagger, and spell hoard ring
- Suggested Skills: history, weaver lore, writing
- Suggested Rituals: scry near, secret passage
- Suggested Cantrips: weaver illusion, weaver hand
- Suggested Spells: dazzle, sleep, wall, web
- Suggested Feat: ritualist (study)
The Magus
A caster who focuses on area of effect spells and battlefield control. To make this build, make ARC your highest score for magic implements and armor. Make MIN your second highest score for more willpower. Then invest in INT for rituals and buff forced movement. Select spells that help you control the positions of your enemies on the battlefield.
- Suggested Gear: consecrated robes, oak staff, shortsword, and spell hoard ring
- Suggested Skills: history, weaver lore, warfare
- Suggested Rituals: secret passage, lock
- Suggested Cantrips: weaver hand, weaver light
- Suggested Spells: dazzle, hammer, hysteria, web
- Suggested Feat: lingering shield
The Alienist
A caster who focuses on debuffing and manipulating a single target. To make this build, make ARC your highest score for magic armor and implements. Make MIN your second highest score for more willpower. Then invest in INT for rituals. Select spells that control single targets.
- Suggested Gear: sable robes, hazel wand, dagger, and spell hoard ring
- Suggested Skills: illusions, persuasion, weaver lore
- Suggested Rituals: scry near, secret passage
- Suggested Cantrips: weaver illusion, weaver sound
- Suggested Spells: dazzle, domination, hysteria, overpower
- Suggested Feat: commanding mind
The Weaver class has access to the weaver exit feature, weaver rituals feature, weaver shield feature, cantrip feature, and spells feature.
Weaver Exit
Once per skirmish as a move action, you may move up to your speed and at any point enter a natural object such as a tree or boulder and reappear up to 20 squares away from behind another natural object.
Weaver Rituals
You start with the Ritualist and Ritualist (study) feats for free.
Weaver Shield
As a free action on your turn, you may spend 6 WIL to gain +8 DEF. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.
Cantrip Options
Each Weaver cantrip requires a magical implement.
- Weaver Light: As a standard action, shed bright light from your magical implement in a close burst 2 and dim light in a close burst 6. Increase both bursts by 1 for every point of WIL you spend. This effect lasts for one minute.
- Weaver Hand: As a standard action, you conjure an ethereal hand up to 10 squares away. This hand is the same size as your own. It can carry 1 ENC worth of items and move with 5 SPE. If it has to make a check, it uses your ability scores. Concentration (1).
- Weaver Illusion: As a standard action, you conjure an illusion up to 10 squares away. This illusion cannot be larger than a human. If the illusion is touched it fades instantly. Concentration (1) to keep the same illusion alive.
- Weaver Sound: As a standard action, you conjure a sound as quiet as whispering or as loud as shouting up to 10 squares away. The sound may be a creature sound or a nonvocal sound such as a falling rock or wind.
Spell Options
Each Weaver spell requires a magical implement.
- Dazzle: Costs 6 WIL. A spell attack. The spell’s range is burst 1 within your implement range. Targets hit by the attack gain the dazed or stunned condition (your choice).
- Dome: Costs 6 WIL. The spell’s range is close burst 2. This spell creates a zone. The zone’s edge is surrounded by a dome of magic. Ranged and spell attacks stop if they intersect with the dome. The dome has 50 HEA. Attacks targeting STA or WIL deal damage to the dome.
- Domination: Costs 6 WIL. A spell attack. If the attack breaks the target’s will, they gain the domination condition. At the start of the target’s turn, as a free action before they roll for saves, you may force them to perform a move or standard action.
- Hammer: Costs 6 WIL. A spell attack. The spell’s range is blast 1. Whether the attack hits the target or not, they are pushed 4 squares.
- Hysteria: Costs 6 WIL. A spell attack. The spell’s range is close burst 2. You slide each target you hit with the attack 2 squares.
- Overpower: Costs 6 WIL. A spell attack. Add your INT and MIN to your attack roll. If the attack break’s the target’s will, they don’t roll on the broken will table. Instead they gain the exposed condition.
- Sigil: Special cost. Inscribe a magic rune on your square. Describe a spell: Instead of performing the spell immediately, the spell is stored in the sigil. When any creature enters that square besides you, the described spell is triggered immediately, you spend the WIL and perform the spell as a reaction as if you were still there. You may perform this reaction multiple times per round at the cost of 2 WIL for each additional reaction. You may only have a number of sigils up to your INT active at a time. They last for up to an hour.
- Sleep: Costs 12 WIL. A spell attack. The spell’s range is burst 1 within your implement range. If anyone hit by this spell has their will broken, they do not roll and instead immediately gain the unconscious condition.
- Wall: Costs 6 WIL. Create a wall using your spell attack range with a number of sections equal to INT + MIN. The wall is 2 squares tall and appears like a cloud of fog, blocking line of sight. Each section of the wall has 1 HEA and attacks against STA or WIL deal HEA damage to it. If a section is destroyed, other portions of the wall remain active. Concentration (1).
- Web: Costs 6 WIL. The spell’s range is burst 3 within your implement range. This spell creates a zone. Anyone who enters the zone or start their turn there gains the slowed condition. If they already have the slowed condition, they gain the immobilized condition instead. Concentration (1).
At each level, you increase your stats and increase one or two ability scores. At level 1 and even levels, you take a feat from your class or from the generic feat list.
Level 1
- Take the weaver exit feature.
- Take the weaver rituals feature.
- Take the weaver shield feature.
- Take 2 of the cantrips.
- Take 4 of the spells.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 2
- Increase HEA by +1.
- Increase STA by +1.
- Increase WIL by +3.
- Increase LUS by +1.
- Increase two different ability scores by +1.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 3
- Increase HEA by +1.
- Increase STA by +1.
- Increase WIL by +4.
- Increase one ability score by +1.
- Take 1 of the cantrips.
- Take 2 of the spells.
Level 4
- Increase HEA by +1.
- Increase STA by +1.
- Increase WIL by +3.
- Increase LUS by +1.
- Increase two different ability scores by +1.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 5
- Increase HEA by +1.
- Increase STA by +1.
- Increase WIL by +4.
- Increase one ability score by +1.
- Take 1 of the cantrips.
- Take 2 of the spells.
You must have at least one level in this class to take the following feats:
- Blasting Spellcraft: You may increase the size of a spell with a range of burst, close burst, or blast by +1 at the cost of 3 WIL. You may increase the size of a spell with a range of line by +6 too.
- Cantrip Expertise: You do not need a magical implement, hand gesture, or speech in order to cast a cantrip.
- Careful Spellcraft: You may designate a number of creatures up to your DEX that are not affected by your area, burst, and blast spells.
- Commanding Mind: When you break a target’s will and they roll the result, you may spend 3 WIL to reroll the result.
- Crippling Conditions: Targets have -4 to all saves for conditions you inflict.
- Focused Mind: If the only WIL you spent this turn was on a concentration effect, you may regenerate WIL at the end of your turn.
- Forceful Spellcraft: When you apply forced movement (push, pull, slide, etc.) from your spells, you may use your INT to determine the number of squares the target moves instead of the default.
- Lingering Shield: When you use the weaver shield feature and the effect ends, a new lingering shield remains that grants +4 DEF until you take physical damage.
- Mind Breaker: Whenever you break an enemy’s will, they add +1 to their broken will roll.
- Multitasking Mind: You can maintain concentration on 2 spells at the same time. Roll concentration checks separately.
- Quick Shield: When an attack is made against you, you may use the weaver shield feature as a reaction.
- Tower Study: The cost of applying a spell attributes to a spell attack is reduced to 2 WIL.
- Willful Alienist: Once per round when you break the will of an enemy, you regain WIL equal to your MIN.
- Willful Commander: Once per round when you force a target to move, you regain WIL equal to the number of squares they move.
- Willful Wizard: When you regenerate WIL at the end of your turn, you add +d6.