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The Titan


A warrior who was armoured and then beaten with great stones. A class that focuses on defense and directing attacks towards themselves. Defender, with controller or striker as a secondary role depending on your ability selection.


  • Take medium armor or heavy armor.
  • Take mace, great hammer, or halberd.
  • Take heavy shield, shield, crossbow, or x2 javelins.


You unlock abilities and feats as you level up. There are three builds for this class that you can follow for quick character creation and level ups. These builds are optional guides, you do not need to follow them.

The Ironclad Titan

A heavily-armored warrior who shields allies in melee while grappling and knocking targets prone. To make this build, make STR your highest score so you can wear heavy armor and wield heavy weapons. Then make VIT your second highest score for health and saves. Then invest in END for extra attacks and MIN to increase your saves. Select abilities that rely on heavy armor and attacks that control enemy movement.

  • Suggested Gear: heavy armor, mace, and crossbow.
  • Suggested Skills: armor, athletics, brawl, intimidate
  • Suggesting Mark: ironclad mark
  • Suggesting Defensive: ironclad onslaught
  • Suggesting Protection: ironclad monolith
  • Suggested Attack Attributes: grapple, pummel
  • Suggested Feat: unmovable

The Shield Titan

An enduring warrior that uses a shield to intercept incoming attacks for allies. To make this build, make END your highest score so you can use the shield reaction often. Then invest in VIT and STR for heavy armor, health, and saves. Select abilities and attack attributes that rely on shields.

  • Suggested Gear: heavy armor, mace, and heavy shield.
  • Suggested Skills: armor, athletics, brawl, intimidate
  • Suggesting Mark: shield banger’s mark
  • Suggesting Defensive: shield defense
  • Suggesting Protection: shield warden
  • Suggested Attack Attributes: shield bash, shield slam
  • Suggested Feat: shield deflection

The Brutal Titan

A powerful warrior that swings heavy weapons, terrifying foes. To make this build, make STR your highest score for powerful melee attacks. Then invest in END for extra attacks and VIT for health and saves. Select abilities and attack attributes that rely on two-handed weapons.

  • Suggested Gear: heavy armor, great hammer, and x2 javelins.
  • Suggested Skills: armor, athletics, brawl, intimidate
  • Suggesting Mark: brute’s mark
  • Suggesting Defensive: brute’s invigorating blows
  • Suggesting Protection: bruter’s ferocity
  • Suggested Attack Attributes: cleave, knockdown
  • Suggested Feat: relentless brute


The Titan class has access to a marking feature, defensive feature, protection feature, and melee attack feature.

Marking Options

  • Ironclad Mark: As a free action once per round, you may mark every foe in a close burst 1. While a target is marked, it has a -2 penalty to attack rolls that do not include you as a target. This mark lasts until the start of your next turn.
  • Shield Banger’s Mark: You must wield a shield to benefit from this feature. As a free action once per round, you may bang your shield and mark a number of targets up to your END that are in a close burst 4. While a target is marked, it has a -2 penalty to attack rolls that do not include you as a target. This mark lasts until the start of your next turn.
  • Brute’s Mark: As a free action once per round when you attack, whether it hits or not, you may mark 1 of the targets involved in the attack. While a target is marked, it has a -2 penalty to attack rolls that do not include you as a target. This mark lasts until the start of your next turn. If you perform an opportunity attack on a marked target, you gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your STR.

Defensive Options

  • Ironclad Onslaught: You must wear heavy armor to benefit from this feature. Once per round as a free action after you make an attack, whether the attack hits or not, you may roll a d4 for the following effect:
    • 1: You may push the target 1 square.
    • 2: You may slide the target 1 square.
    • 3: You may knock the target prone.
    • 4: You regain HEA equal to your VIT. Alternatively, if you are grappling someone, you may deal damage to them equal to your STR.
  • Shield Defense: You must wield a shield to benefit from this feature. You decrease the cost of the shield action by your END and VIT.
  • Brute’s Invigorating Blows: You must wield a two-handed weapon to benefit from this feature. When you wound or kill a foe, you regain an amount of HEA equal to your STR.

Protection Options

  • Ironclad Monolith: You must wear heavy armor to benefit from this feature. If an ally uses you for cover, they treat it as superior cover instead.
  • Shield Warden: You must wield a shield to benefit from this feature. When an ally in close burst 1 is attacked, you may use the shield reaction to redirect the attack to yourself instead. You still perform the shield reaction as normal.
  • Brute’s Ferocity: You must wield a two-handed weapon to benefit from this feature. When you wound or kill a target, every enemy in a close burst 2 gains the frightened condition.

Melee Attack Options

You can apply 1 attribute to a standard melee attack or 2 attributes at the cost of 6 WIL. You cannot apply more than 2 attributes to one attack.

  • Battering Ram: Can only be applied to a bull rush. Add +2 to the bull rush check. If the check is successful, increase the amount of squares pushed by +1 and the target takes damage equal to your STR.
  • Cleave: Requires a two-handed weapon. If the attack hits, a different creature in a close burst 1 of you takes damage equal to your STR or DEX.
  • Focus: If the attack is against a target you have marked, add your SPI to the attack roll.
  • Grapple: Requires a free hand. If the attack hits, the target is grappled by you.
  • Halt: Requires this attack to be a reaction. If the attack hits and the target is moving, you immediately end their move action.
  • Knockdown: Requires a two-handed weapon or a shield. If the attack hits, the target is knocked prone.
  • Pummel: The target must be grappled by you. Whether the attack hits or misses, you push the target one square and they are knocked prone.
  • Shield Bash: Requires a shield. Add +d4 to the attack roll.
  • Shield Slam: Requires a shield. If the attack hits, the target is pushed 1 square and you can choose to shift into the square it left behind.
  • Terror: If the attack hits, the target gains the frightened condition.
  • Throw: You can throw your melee weapon without the regular penalty. The range is equal to your STR + END.
  • Unstoppable: Requires you have a wound. Add your VIT to the attack roll.


At each level, you increase your stats and increase one or two ability scores. At level 1 and even levels, you take a feat from your class or from the generic feat list.

Level 1

  • Take 1 of the marking options.
  • Take 1 of the defensive options.
  • Take 1 of the protection options.
  • Take 2 of the melee attack attributes.
  • Take 1 feat.

Level 2

  • Increase HEA by +3.
  • Increase STA by +1.
  • Increase WIL by +1.
  • Increase LUS by +1.
  • Increase two different ability scores by +1.
  • Take 1 feat.

Level 3

  • Increase HEA by +1.
  • Increase STA by +3.
  • Increase WIL by +1.
  • Increase LUS by +1.
  • Increase one ability score by +1.
  • Take 2 of the melee attack attributes.

Level 4

  • Increase HEA by +3.
  • Increase STA by +1.
  • Increase WIL by +1.
  • Increase LUS by +1.
  • Increase two different ability scores by +1.
  • Take 1 feat.

Level 5

  • Increase HEA by +1.
  • Increase STA by +3.
  • Increase WIL by +1.
  • Increase LUS by +1.
  • Increase one ability score by +1.
  • Take 2 of the melee attack attributes.


You must have at least one level in this class to take the following feats:

  • Artillery Training: Requires a shield. Increase your defense penalty by +2 when you are targeted by ranged weapons.
  • Inspiring Momentum: When you push, slide, or knock a target prone, you regain 1 WIL and 1 STA.
  • Opportunistic Fighter: You have no restriction on the number of opportunity attacks you can perform in one round.
  • Peerless Defender: When a foe shifts in order to avoid an opportunity attack from you, it still triggers opportunity attacks.
  • Relentless Brute: Requires the Brute’s mark feature. Add END to melee attacks against targets you have marked.
  • Seize The High Ground: Requires a two-handed weapon. When you attack a target that is prone, you can add your STR to the attack roll, even if it is already applied.
  • Shield Deflection: Requires a shield. When you use the shield action against a melee attack and the attacker misses, you may slide the attacker 1 square or knock them prone. This only works if the attacker is your size or smaller and in a close burst 1 of the target.
  • Shield Sundering: Requires a shield. When you use the shield reaction, instead of the normal shield effect, you may choose to destroy your shield. If you do, the target of the attack loses no HEA, STA, or WIL, and there is no on-hit effect.
  • Titan’s Opportunity: Requires a two-handed weapon. You may perform opportunity attacks when an ally is attacked by a target you have marked and you are within melee range of the attacker.
  • Unmovable: Requires heavy armor. You reduce all forced movement (push, pull, etc.) by 1. You can gain the slowed condition, but it has no effect on you. If you gain the immobilized condition, you treat it as the slowed condition.
  • Wrestler’s Tutelage: When you grapple a creature, you may move at your full speed and the creature has a -2 penalty to any checks to break free.