The Ranger
A slayer of dangerous beasts and men alike. A class that uses a bow to harry a single target from range or strike out at many foes from a strong position. A blaster or striker depending on your ability selection.
- Take medium armor or light armor.
- Take stalker’s cloak or traveler’s cloak.
- Take longbow, bow, or shortbow.
- Take quiver (24 arrows).
- Take parrying dagger and throwing dagger.
You unlock abilities and feats as you level up. There are three builds for this class that you can follow for quick character creation and level ups. These builds are optional guides, you do not need to follow them.
The Eagle
An archer who controls the battlefield by immobilizing foes. To make this build, make DEX and STR your highest scores for powerful bow attacks. Make INT your tertiary score for better martial practices. Then invest in VIT, and MIN to increase your resiliency and saves. Select ranged attributes that control your enemies.
- Suggested Gear: light armor, stalker’s cloak, longbow, parrying dagger, and throwing dagger
- Suggested Skills: ambush, ride, scout, sneak, track
- Suggested Martial Practices: patrol, tracker
- Suggested Offensive: eagle strike
- Suggested Attack Attributes: break, pin
- Suggested Feat: precision archer
The Guardian
A ranged protector that attacks many enemies with hails of arrows. To make this build, make STR your highest score for bow attacks. Make END your second highest score for multiple attacks and high stamina. Then invest in INT for martial practices and VIT to increase your resiliency. Select ranged attributes that attack multiple enemies.
- Suggested Gear: light armor, stalker’s cloak, bow, parrying dagger, and throwing dagger
- Suggested Skills: ambush, ride, scout, sneak, track
- Suggested Martial Practices: courier’s training, survivor’s trade
- Suggested Offensive: guardian’s overwatch
- Suggested Attack Attributes: burst, line
- Suggested Feat: improved overwatch
The Hunter
A killer that focuses on bringing down one large foe with damage bonuses and bleeding conditions. To make this build, make STR your highest score for bow attacks. Make INT your second highest score for bleeding effects and martial practices. Then invest in END, and VIT to increase your health and stamina. Select ranged attributes that inflict conditions on enemies.
- Suggested Gear: light armor, stalker’s cloak, bow, parrying dagger, and throwing dagger
- Suggested Skills: ambush, ride, scout, sneak, track
- Suggested Martial Practices: survivor’s trade, tracker
- Suggested Offensive: hunter’s prey
- Suggested Attack Attributes: bleed, close quarters
- Suggested Feat: bloody hunter
The Ranger class has access to the ranger study feature, ranger’s twin strike feature, offensive feature, and ranged attack feature.
Ranger Study
You start with the Martial Practice and Martial Practice (study) feats for free.
Ranger’s Twin Strike
The first time on your turn that you would spend STA to make an extra attack, you instead spend 0 STA. This feature also lets you attack twice in a round with a longbow, even though it has the slow property.
Offensive Options
- Eagle Strike: Whenever you make a ranged attack, you may choose to make it a sky strike. The attack must target a single unoccupied square, but do not make the attack roll yet. If any creature enters that square before the start of your next turn, make the attack roll against them. If the attack hits and the target was performing an action, it ends the action immediately. You may make multiple sky strikes per turn.
- Guardian’s Overwatch: At the start of your turn, as a free action, you may enter or leave the overwatch stance. Until the stance ends, you cannot move on your turn, but you may perform opportunity attacks on any target that enters or leaves a burst 3 zone centered on you. You may perform additional opportunity attacks in one round using this ability at the cost of 3 STA, but may not perform them multiple times on the same target.
- Hunter’s Prey: Once per turn as a free action, you may designate the enemy creature closest to you as your prey. Once per round, when an attack you make hits your prey, you may add d6+INT to the damage. The hunter’s prey status remains active until the prey is defeated. You may only have one prey at a time.
Ranged Attack Options
Each of these ranged attack attributes requires a bow. You can apply 1 attribute to a standard ranged attack or 2 attributes at the cost of 6 WIL. You cannot apply more than 2 attributes to one attack.
- Accurate: Add +4 to the attack roll, but subtract 6 from the final damage (to a minimum of 1).
- Bleed: If the attack hits, the target gains the bleeding 2 condition.
- Break: If the attack hits, the target gains the broken condition.
- Burst: Spend 6 WIL to add this attribute. The attack becomes burst 1 with the same range.
- Close Quarters: Must target an adjacent enemy. The attack does not trigger an opportunity attack. If the attack hits, you may push the target 2 squares.
- Evasive: After the attack, shift 3 squares.
- Line: Spend 6 WIL to add this attribute. The attack’s range becomes line 6.
- Pin: If the attack hits, the target gains the slowed condition. If the target already has the slowed condition, they gain the immobilized condition instead.
- Sniper: Double the range of the attack.
At each level, you increase your stats and increase one or two ability scores. At level 1 and even levels, you take a feat from your class or from the generic feat list.
Level 1
- Take the ranger study feature.
- Take the ranger’s twin strike feature.
- Take 1 of the offensive options.
- Take 2 of the ranged attack attributes.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 2
- Increase HEA by +1.
- Increase STA by +3.
- Increase WIL by +1.
- Increase LUS by +1.
- Increase two different ability scores by +1.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 3
- Increase HEA by +2.
- Increase STA by +2.
- Increase WIL by +1.
- Increase LUS by +1.
- Increase one ability score by +1.
- Take 1 of the ranged attack attributes.
Level 4
- Increase HEA by +1.
- Increase STA by +3.
- Increase WIL by +1.
- Increase LUS by +1.
- Increase two different ability scores by +1.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 5
- Increase HEA by +2.
- Increase STA by +2.
- Increase WIL by +1.
- Increase LUS by +1.
- Increase one ability score by +1.
- Take 1 of the ranged attack attributes.
You must have at least one level in this class to take the following feats:
- Arterial Wounding: When you inflict the bleeding condition on an enemy, they also gain the greater bleeding condition. While the condition is active, the target suffers one point of damage for each square they move, voluntarily or involuntarily. This damage cannot be reduced or increased. The condition ends when the original bleeding condition ends.
- Attentive: You cannot be surprised. Allies in a close burst 3 add +2 to their initiative checks.
- Bloody Hunter: Requires the hunter’s prey feature. If you hit your hunter’s prey with an attack and inflict the bleeding condition, add your INT to the rating of the bleeding condition.
- Critical Wounds: Targets have -4 on saves against any conditions you inflict.
- Deadly Wounds: Targets add your INT to their wound rolls.
- Expert Archer: Spend STA instead of WIL to add the burst or line ranged attack attributes to an attack.
- Improved Overwatch: You must have the guardian’s overwatch feature in order to take this feat. Increase the zone of guardian’s overwatch to a burst 4.
- Lightfoot: You ignore difficult terrain.
- Lightfoot (improved): You must have the lightfoot feat in order to take this feat. Your swim and climb speed is equal to your running speed.
- Lithebow’s Training: When you attack while wielding a shortbow and deal damage, you can shift one square.
- Martial Training: Learn two more ranged attack attributes.
- Precision Archer: Add +DEX to the attack rolls with a bow or longbow.
- Rampage: Requires the hunter’s prey feature. If you kill your prey, regain 6 STA and 6 WIL.
- Ranger’s Defense: You can dual wield a parrying dagger and throwing dagger and you add your ability scores to the attack rolls when you do so. Additionally while dual wielding them, you can treat them as having Parry 4.
- Ranger’s Offense: When you attack a surprised creature, add +d12 to the attack roll.
- Sidestep: You gain access to the sidestep reaction. When a creature makes a melee attack against you, you may spend 12 STA to sidestep. Immediately shift 1 square. The attack roll can still be made if you remain within melee range, otherwise it is a miss.
- Strongbow’s Training: When you attack while wielding any bow and deal damage, you can push the target 1 square.