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The Divine


The pagan gods are awoken, like hot coals in a dark fireplace. You are an ember, a burning sigil they wield in the fight against darkness. This class focuses on healing and shielding allies using holy power. A leader, with defender as a secondary role.


  • Take consecrated armor or consecrated robes.
  • Take mace and shield or dagger and consecrated cloak.
  • Take holy symbol on a chain necklace.


You unlock abilities and feats as you level up. There are three builds for this class that you can follow for quick character creation and level ups. These builds are optional guides, you do not need to follow them.

The Cleric

An armored protector who invigorates nearby allies with divine power and shouts of encouragement. To make this build, make SPI your highest score. Make MIN your second highest score, and then invest in STR, DEX, and VIT for better armor and survivability in battle. Select spells and feats that use melee or increase your defenses.

  • Suggested Gear: consecrated armor, mace and shield, and holy symbol.
  • Suggested Skills: history, persuasion, insight, theology
  • Suggested Ritual: lock
  • Suggested Healing: healing prayer
  • Suggesting Cantrip: divine light
  • Suggested Spells: branding strike, radiant flare
  • Suggested Feat: holy warrior

The Priest

A devotee who focuses on grand miracles that reject foes, heal allies, and increase luster. To make this build, make SPI your highest score. Make INT your second highest score for more potent rituals, and then invest in MIN to increase willpower. Select spells that keep enemies away from you and your allies.

  • Suggested Gear: consecrated robes, consecrated cloak, dagger, and holy symbol.
  • Suggested Skills: history, medicine, speeches, weaving lore
  • Suggested Ritual: scry near
  • Suggested Healing: healing ritual
  • Suggesting Cantrip: divine miracle
  • Suggested Spells: fell shout, rebuke
  • Suggested Feat: Ritualist (study)

The Scholar

A learned figure who focuses on great magics to restore willpower and cure conditions. To make this build, make MIN your highest score. Make SPI your second highest score, and then invest in INT or ARC to increase your magical abilities. Select powerful concentration spells and spend feats to increase your willpower.

  • Suggested Gear: consecrated robes, consecrated cloak, dagger, and holy symbol.
  • Suggested Skills: apothecary, divine runes, medicine, weaving lore
  • Suggested Ritual: summon storm
  • Suggested Healing: healing touch
  • Suggesting Cantrip: divine guidance
  • Suggested Spells: divine shield, empyrean sigil
  • Suggested Feat: Physician’s Touch


The Divine class has access to the divine rituals feature, cantrip feature, healing feature, and spells feature. The Divine is a mage class that can perform rituals, cantrips, and spells. These tend to support their allies. They are also the most adept healers with a signature healing ability.

Divine Rituals

You start with the Ritualist feat for free.

Cantrip Options

Each Divine cantrip requires a holy symbol.

  • Divine Guidance: As a standard action, you request guidance from the Fell God that blessed you. A trickle of light emanates from your holy symbol, pointing you in a direction that the Fell God wishes you to head in.
  • Divine Light: As a standard action, your holy symbol sheds bright light in a close burst 5 and dim light in a close burst 10. This effect lasts for one minute.
  • Divine Mending: As a standard action, repair a single broken part of an object you touch. This broken part must be no larger than 1 foot. This cannot be used to heal.
  • Divine Miracle: As a standard action, perform the divine miracle associated with the Fell God that blessed you.
    • Aflo’s Miracle: You light a source of fuel on fire within 100 feet with the flick of your wrist. If the fire is fed, it will burn hot enough to melt steel.
    • Daen’s Miracle: Your touch cleans soiled clothes. If you touch them in water, you may change the color they are dyed.
    • Hedr’s Miracle: You touch a glass or skin of water and turn it into wine.
    • Jori’s Miracle: Plants flourish and grow somewhat under your touch. This effect fades over several days, but it can restore plants near-death back to life.
    • Magi’s Miracle: You can change the direction of the wind. Lasts for 1 minute.
    • Ormu’s Miracle: You can speak to and command nearby snakes. Commands last for 1 hour.
    • Rygg’s Miracle: You can understand any language. Lasts for 1 minute.
    • Sten’s Miracle: You can detect if anyone here has broken an oath. Lasts for 1 minute.
    • Svit’s Miracle: Your touch causes a creature to not feel any pain. Lasts for 1 minute.
    • Tian’s Miracle: With a howl, you can summon the nearby wolves of the land. They are not friendly or helpful, nor antagonistic or aggressive. They are not yours to command. How long before they arrive depends on how far you are from the wilds.
    • Virr’s Miracle: You gain the unconscious condition (save ends). During that unconscious bout, you see a vague image or hear a strange riddle that is prophetic in nature. It hints at, but does not reveal, your future.
    • Wode’s Miracle: You can enter a terrifying, frenzied state. The first time anyone sees you after you enter this state, they must make a SPI check or gain the frightened condition. Lasts for 1 minute.

Healing Options

  • Healing Prayer: Once per round as a free action, you may spend 6 WIL to give a heartening shout to a comrade who can hear you. They regain HEA, STA, or WIL equal to d6+SPI or they regain 2 LUS.
  • Healing Ritual: You begin with the Greater Healing ritual as a bonus ritual. You can perform this ritual even if your level is lower than the requirement.
  • Healing Touch: Once per round as a free action, you may heal an adjacent ally with your touch. They may restore HEA, STA, or WIL equal to your SPI and they automatically save against one condition.

Spell Options

Each spell is a standard action that requires a holy symbol and costs WIL to perform. You cannot perform the same spell twice in one round.

  • Branding Strike: Costs 2 WIL. You attack with a melee weapon instead of a holy symbol and grant it the Holy property for the duration of the attack. Whether the attack hits or misses, the target is branded and allies have a +4 bonus to attack rolls against the target until the end of your next turn.
  • Distracting Haze: Costs 2 WIL. A spell attack. Decrease the attack roll by -2. Whether the attack hits or misses, an ally in close burst 1 can shift 2 squares as a free action.
  • Divine Shield: Costs 6 WIL. Conjure a divine shield on one target within 5 squares. While the shield is active, the target has resist 6 HEA, 6 STA, resist 6 WIL, and resist 1 LUS. You may only have one divine shield active at a time. Concentration (1).
  • Empyrean Rune: Costs 12 WIL. You inscribe a rune on the ground and create a close burst 3 zone of divine blessing. While within the zone, yourself and allies gain resist 2 HEA, STA, and WIL and add +2 to all saves. You may only have one zone active at a time. Concentration (1).
  • Fell Shout: Costs 6 WIL. A spell attack. The attack’s range becomes blast 1 and does not target allies. Whether the attack hits or not, the targets are pushed 2 squares.
  • Radiant Flare: Costs 6 WIL. A spell attack. The attack’s range becomes close burst 2 and does not target allies. Whether the attack hits or not, it leaves behind a zone until the end of your next turn. Every square of the zone is bright light and adjacent squares are dim light. You can sustain this zone with Concentration (1).
  • Rebuke: Costs 2 WIL. If this attack breaks a target’s will, every foe in a close burst 1 of them gains the frightened condition.


At each level, you increase your stats and increase one or two ability scores. At level 1 and even levels, you take a feat from your class or from the generic feat list.

Level 1

  • Take the divine rituals feature.
  • Take 1 of the supportive options.
  • Take 1 of the cantrip options.
  • Take 2 of the spell attack attributes.
  • Take 1 feat.

Level 2

  • Increase HEA by +1.
  • Increase STA by +1.
  • Increase WIL by +3.
  • Increase LUS by +1.
  • Increase two different ability scores by +1.
  • Take 1 feat.

Level 3

  • Increase WIL by +6.
  • Increase one ability score by +1.
  • Take 1 of the cantrips.
  • Take 2 of the spell attack attributes.

Level 4

  • Increase HEA by +1.
  • Increase STA by +1.
  • Increase WIL by +3.
  • Increase LUS by +1.
  • Increase two different ability scores by +1.
  • Take 1 feat.

Level 5

  • Increase WIL by +6.
  • Increase one ability score by +1.
  • Take 1 of the cantrips.
  • Take 2 of the spell attack attributes.


You must have at least one level in this class to take the following feats:

  • Divine Protection: You may place your holy symbol around anyone’s neck to bestow the divine protection condition on them. As long as they are not attacked further, they will not die from wounds or disease. If they are turning umbral, this will render them unconscious (no save), but not cure them. They do not receive any other bonuses or abilities from your holy symbol.
  • Divine Speech: You have learned some of the divine language. You can communicate with all humans, and understand limited words of animals and umbral creatures.
  • Divine Wand Expertise: You may use SPI instead of ARC when determining the attack and range of wands. You can add the Holy property to any wand you use that does not have the Umbral quality.
  • Holy Fervor: When you make a holy attack regain 1 WIL.
  • Holy Warrior: Whenever you would spend STA to perform a reaction or stamina action, you can instead spend WIL.
  • Implement’s Luster: After you perform a spell attack with a holy symbol or wand, your square is filled with bright light and adjacent squares are filled with dim light.
  • Natural Healer: When you heal an ally, increase the total amount of healing by +2.
  • Physician’s Touch: Requires the healing touch feature. You may add your INT when restoring HEA with healing touch.
  • Protector of the Light: When you heal an ally, they regain +1 LUS.
  • Vital Tether: When you buff an ally such as with divine shield, they gain WIL regeneration 2.