The Berserker
A raging warrior that does not fear pain. A class that focuses on chasing down single foes and taking damage to increase their lethality. A striker or blaster depending on your ability selection.
- Take medium armor or light armor.
- Take spear or longaxe or shortbow and quiver (24 arrows) or x2 throwing axes.
- Take axe or shortsword or mace or x2 throwing axes.
- Take dagger or axe or shortsword or mace or shield.
- Take x2 fulmin mushrooms.
You unlock abilities and feats as you level up. There are three builds for this class that you can follow for quick character creation and level ups. These builds are optional guides, you do not need to follow them.
The Bear
A raging combatant who can survive heavy wounds and use it to fuel their attacks. To make this build, make DEX and SPI your highest scores for speed, melee attacks, and rage benefits. Then invest in MIN to increase your saves against conditions that stop your raging. Some STR is necessary for weapons and certain attack attributes as well. Select attack attributes that use two-handed weapons for increased damage.
- Suggested Gear: light armor, longaxe, dagger, x2 throwing axes, and x2 fulmin mushrooms.
- Suggested Skills: climb, intimidate, psychedelics, run, swim
- Suggesting Martial Practices: tame beast
- Suggested Rage: rage of the bear
- Suggested Attack Attributes: hack and slash, shatter, tempest
- Suggested Feat: rampage
The Hawk
A fast moving melee combatant that avoids attacks with hit and run tactics while dual wielding. To make this build, make DEX your highest score for speed and melee attacks. Then make SPI your second highest score for more attacks and rages. Then invest in MIN and VIT to increase your saves and resiliency. Select attack attributes that use dual weapons or increase your mobility.
- Suggested Gear: light armor, x2 axes, x2 throwing axes, and x2 fulmin mushrooms.
- Suggested Skills: ambush, chase, run
- Suggesting Martial Practices: patrol
- Suggested Rage: rage of the hawk
- Suggested Attack Attributes: bloody, nimble, tempest
- Suggested Feat: dual fighter
The Wolf
A versatile combatant who uses their shield as a weapon. To make this build, make DEX your highest score for speed and melee attacks. Then make MIN your second highest score for willpower and saves. Then invest in STR and SPI to wear heavier armor and perform more rages. Select attack attributes that use a shield or rely on strength.
- Suggested Gear: medium armor, axe, shield, x2 throwing axes, and x2 fulmin mushrooms.
- Suggested Skills: brawl, chase, smash, terrify
- Suggesting Martial Practices: feign death
- Suggested Rage: rage of the wolf
- Suggested Attack Attributes: battering ram, knockdown, shield bash
- Suggested Feat: varied assault
The Berserker class has access to the berserker study feature, berserker’s rage feature, primal blessing feature, and melee attack feature.
Berserker Study
You start with the Martial Practice feat for free.
Berserker’s Rage
You have the ability to enter a rage stance on your turn as a free action. You have a number of rages equal to your SPI + your level (minimum 1). You regain 1 rage when you take a short rest and all of your rages when you take a long rest. While in the rage stance, you have the following effects applied:
- You roll STR and DEX checks with advantage.
- You roll wound rolls for yourself with advantage (taking the lowest injury).
- You ignore the effect of wound conditions with an injury level lower than 7, but still record the condition. If you fall out of a rage and the condition could still apply, then the effect begins on you.
- The maximum number of attacks you can make in a turn is equal to your SPI instead of your END (minimum 2).
- When you wound or kill a foe with a melee attack, you may immediately perform an additional attack action with the same weapon against any viable target without spending STA. You cannot perform a move action before this attack. This effect can trigger multiple times per round.
- You fall out of the stance if you fail to make an attack roll by the end of your turn or if you are dazed, stunned, exposed, or fall unconscious. You cannot enter the rage stance if you are dazed, stunned, or exposed.
- You may choose to end your rage when you receive a wound to decrease the severity by -2 (to a minimum of 1).
You also choose one primal rage option:
- Rage of the Bear: While raging, gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls when you have a wound and gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against a foe that is wounded.
- Rage of the Hawk: While raging, gain a +2 bonus to speed and you can shift 3 squares instead of 1.
- Rage of the Wolf: While raging, gain a +2 bonus to charge and bull rush attacks and combat advantage grants you a +4 bonus instead of +2.
Melee Attack Options
You can apply 1 attribute to a standard attack or 2 attributes at the cost of 3 WIL. You cannot apply more than 2 attributes to one attack.
- Battering Ram: Can only be applied to a bull rush. Add +2 to the bull rush check. If the check is successful, increase the amount of squares pushed by +1 and the target takes damage equal to your STR.
- Biter: Requires a cruel weapon. Increase the rating of cruel by +2. If you gain a wound before the start of your next turn, increase the injury level by +2.
- Bloody: If the attack hits or misses, every character in a close burst 1 of the target including yourself gains the bleeding (2) condition.
- Evasive: If the attack hits or misses, you may shift a number of squares equal to your END.
- Furious: If the attack hits, you ignore all damage that targets WIL until the start of your next turn. This does not modify spending WIL willingly.
- Hack and Slash: If you already add your STR to the attack roll, also add your DEX to the roll and take damage equal to your DEX afterwards. If you already add your DEX to the attack roll, also add your STR and take damage equal to your STR afterwards. If the attack roll adds both, then you add nothing.
- Knockdown: Requires a two-handed weapon or shield. If the attack hits, the target is knocked prone.
- Nimble: If the attack hits, for the rest of your turn, you do not provoke opportunity attacks.
- Opportunistic: Requires you have combat advantage. Add +4 to the attack roll and take 2 damage.
- Shatter: Requires a two-handed weapon and a single target. Whether the attack hits or misses, creatures in a close burst 1 of the target including yourself, take 2 damage.
- Shield Bash: Requires a shield. Add +d4 to the attack roll.
- Shield Slam: Requires a shield. If the attack hits, the target is pushed 1 square and you can choose to shift into the square it left behind.
- Tempest: Requires a two-handed weapon or dual wielding weapons. The attack’s range changes to close burst 1 and you take damage equal to your STR or DEX, whichever is higher.
- Throw: You can throw your melee weapon without the regular penalty. The range is equal to your STR.
At each level, you increase your stats and increase one or two ability scores. At level 1 and even levels, you take a feat from your class or from the generic feat list.
Level 1
- Take the berserker’s study feature.
- Take the berserker’s rage feature.
- Take 1 of the berserker’s primal rage blessings.
- Take 3 of the melee attack attributes.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 2
- Increase HEA by +4.
- Increase STA by +2.
- Increase two different ability scores by +1.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 3
- Increase HEA by +2.
- Increase STA by +2.
- Increase WIL by +1.
- Increase LUS by +1.
- Increase one ability score by +1.
- Take 2 of the melee attack attributes.
Level 4
- Increase HEA by +4.
- Increase STA by +2.
- Increase two different ability scores by +1.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 5
- Increase HEA by +2.
- Increase STA by +2.
- Increase WIL by +1.
- Increase LUS by +1.
- Increase one ability score by +1.
- Take 2 of the melee attack attributes.
You must have at least one level in this class to take the following feats:
- Cruel Bleeder: If you wound a foe and they gain a bleeding condition, increase the rating by your SPI.
- Cruel Drainer: If you wound a foe and they lose stamina, increase the amount they lose by twice your SPI. If you wound a foe and they gain the exhausting condition, increase the rating by your SPI.
- Dual Fighter: You may add your ability scores to attack rolls when dual wielding.
- Hasty Defense: When you perform the dodge action and an attack misses you, you may regain 3 STA and shift one square.
- Lightfoot: You ignore difficult terrain.
- Lightfoot (improved): You must have the lightfoot feat in order to take this feat. Your swim and climb speed is equal to your running speed.
- Martial Training: Requires learning attack attributes. Learn two more attack attributes.
- Raging Focus: When you enter the rage stance, you may immediately remove one condition that is afflicting you that is not from a wound.
- Raging Vitality: Instead of gaining +2 HEA for each point of VIT, you instead gain +4 HEA. This is retroactive. Recalculate your health as if this were true from level 1.
- Raging Will: When you gain the dazed, stunned, or exposed condition (unless the exposed condition occurs from draining your STA) you may spend a rage to discard it.
- Rampage: Requires you be in the rage stance. When you wound or kill a foe you regain 2 STA and 2 WIL.
- Varied Assault: When you wound or kill with a thrown weapon, you may perform a charge or bull rush as a free action.