The Arbiter
A holy warrior chosen by the Pagan Gods to meet out justice. A class that focuses on keeping a single target close and penalizing them heavily for attacking anyone else. A defender, with leader or striker as a secondary role depending on your ability selection.
- Take consecrated heavy armor, consecrated armor, or consecrated robes.
- Take spear, longsword, longaxe, or great hammer.
- Take holy symbol on a chain necklace.
You unlock abilities and feats as you level up. There are three builds for this class that you can follow for quick character creation and level ups. These builds are optional guides, you do not need to follow them.
The Champion
A warrior who dispatches their oath as quickly as possible. To make this build, make SPI your highest score. Make DEX your second highest score for melee attacks, and then invest in VIT and MIN to increase your resiliency and saves. Select melee attributes and spells that increase your own damage.
- Suggested Gear: consecrated armor, longsword, and holy symbol
- Suggested Skills: lead warriors, intimidation, warfare
- Suggested Oath: oath of vengeance
- Suggesting Cantrip: divine bell
- Suggested Attack Attributes: pursuit, smite
- Suggested Spells: blessing of vengeance, radiance
- Suggested Feat: holy warrior
The Savior
A warrior who uses their draws foes to them and buffs nearby allies. To make this build, make SPI your highest score. Make MIN your second highest score for high willpower and mental saves, and then invest in VIT to increase your resiliency and saves. Select melee attributes that buff allies and spells that keep enemies focused on you.
- Suggested Gear: consecrated robes, spear, and holy symbol
- Suggested Skills: diplomacy, divine runes, theology
- Suggested Oath: oath of command
- Suggesting Cantrip: divine summons
- Suggested Attack Attributes: guidance, maneuver
- Suggested Spells: sanction, tether
- Suggested Feat: warrior’s holy symbol
The Warden
A guardian who pursues the target of their oath, protecting all allies from them. To make this build, make STR your highest score for heavy armor and weapons. Make SPI your second highest score and then invest in VIT, and MIN to increase your resiliency and saves. Select melee attributes that protect allies and spells that keep enemies focused on you.
- Suggested Gear: consecrated heavy armor, great hammer, and holy symbol
- Suggested Skills: chase, disarm, shout
- Suggested Oath: oath of sanctuary
- Suggesting Cantrip: divine compulsion
- Suggested Attack Attributes: maneuver, pursuit
- Suggested Spells: blessing of light, bulwark
- Suggested Feat: get behind me
The Arbiter class has access to the arbiter’s oath feature, blessing feature, cantrip feature, and melee/spell attack attributes feature.
Arbiter’s Oath Options
As a free action once per round, you may swear a divine oath against one foe in a close burst 5. You cannot use this ability again until the target flees the skirmish, surrenders, or is killed. While the oath is active, the target is marked and has a -4 penalty to attack rolls that do not include you as a target. You must engage the target on your turn. If you make an attack against the target or end your turn adjacent to them, then you have successfully engaged the target. If the oath is broken, you cannot use this feature again until the end of the skirmish. Additionally, select one one of the benefits below:
- Oath of Command: Allies in close burst 1 gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls. One ally you can see can make an opportunity attack whenever the target of your oath makes an attack against an ally in close burst 4 of you.
- Oath of Sanctuary: Allies in close burst 1 gain a +1 bonus to DEF. You can make an opportunity attack against the target of your oath whenever they make an attack that does not include you.
- Oath of Vengeance: Gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls for each ally in close burst 1. You can make an opportunity attack against the target of your oath whenever they make an attack that includes you.
Arbiter’s Spellfighting
Arbiters are able to fight effectively with melee weapons and holy spells. Normally, casting a cantrip or spell is a standard action, but the first cantrip or spell you perform on your turn you can perform as a free action.
Cantrip Options
Each Arbiter cantrip requires a holy symbol.
- Divine Bell: As a standard action, you conjure the sound of a tolling bell. It drowns out all nearby noise that is not at least as loud. Creatures unaware that you cast a cantrip must make a SPI save or become frightened.
- Divine Compulsion: As a standard action, touch one creature. The creature makes a MIN save. If it fails, choose one of the following effects:
- The creature must tell you its greatest fear.
- The creature must tell you its greatest desire.
- The creature must tell you a truthful answer to one question.
- Divine Light: As a standard action, your holy symbol sheds bright light in a close burst 5 and dim light in a close burst 10. This effect lasts for one minute.
- Divine Summons: As a standard action, you request a nearby lesser god head your words. They must listen, but do not have to appear. If you are true and loyal, they may help you, but the gods are very fickle and hate to be summoned. Their answer is never silence nor speech.
Melee Attack Options
You can only apply one attribute to a standard melee attack.
- Guidance: If the attack hits, one ally in close burst 2 gains a bonus to attack rolls against the target equal to your SPI.
- Indomitable: If this attack deals a wound or kills the target, you regain 6 WIL.
- Maneuver: If the attack hits, you choose one ally in close burst 5 to immediately perform a move action as a free action or every ally in close burst 5 can immediately shift 1 square as a free action.
- Pursuit: If the target of the attack moves away from you before the start of your next turn, you can shift a number of squares equal to your DEX as a free action after they have completed their move.
- Smite: Before you roll the attack, you may spend WIL to add an equal amount to the attack roll. There is no upper limit on how much WIL you can spend when you do this. If you spend all of your WIL, your will is broken and you automatically gain the unconscious condition. You can only apply this attack attribute to one attack per round.
Spell Options
Each spell is a standard action that requires a holy symbol and costs WIL to perform. You cannot perform the same spell twice in one round.
- Blessing of Flame: Costs 2 WIL. You imbue one of your weapons with this blessing. Your weapon sheds bright light in your square and dim light in adjacent squares and when you hit foes with this weapon they gain the burning (4) condition. Your weapon can only have one blessing at a time. Concentration (1).
- Blessing of Light: Costs 2 WIL. You imbue one of your weapons with this blessing. Your weapon sheds bright light in your square and dim light in adjacent squares and gains the Holy property. Your weapon can only have one blessing at a time. Concentration (1).
- Blessing of Vengeance: Costs 2 WIL. You imbue one of your weapons with this blessing. Whenever you attack a foe with a melee attack with this weapon and they have hit you or an ally since the end of your last turn, you gain an attack bonus equal to your SPI. Your weapon can only have one blessing at a time. Concentration (1).
- Blessing of Vigor: Costs 2 WIL. You imbue one of your weapons with this blessing. Whenever you hit a foe with a melee attack with this weapon, one ally in close burst 2 regains HEA equal to your SPI. Your weapon can only have one blessing at a time. Concentration (1).
- Bulwark: Costs 6 WIL. All allies in close burst 2 gain a bonus to DEF and FOC equal to your SPI until the start of your next turn.
- Radiance: Costs 6 WIL. Use the range of your holy symbol and create a burst 3 zone of bright light. Adjacent squares have dim light. Allies in the zone have a cumulative +1 DEF bonus for each adjacent ally. Concentration (1).
- Sanction: Costs 2 WIL. A spell attack. If the attack hits and the target moves before the start of your next turn, they take HEA damage equal to your SPI+MIN.
- Tether: Costs 2 WIL. A spell attack. If the attack hits, you pull the target a number of squares up to your SPI+2. They stop moving if they enter a square adjacent to you. Until the start of your next turn, the target cannot move further than 2 squares away from you.
At each level, you increase your stats and increase one or two ability scores. At level 1 and even levels, you take a feat from your class or from the generic feat list.
Level 1
- Take the arbiter’s oath feature.
- Take 1 of the oath subtypes feature.
- Take 1 of the blessings.
- Take 1 of the cantrips.
- Take 2 of the attack attributes.
- Take 2 of the spells.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 2
- Increase HEA by +4.
- Increase WIL by +2.
- Increase two different ability scores by +1.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 3
- Increase WIL by +4.
- Increase LUS by +2.
- Increase one ability score by +1.
- Take 1 of the cantrips.
- Take 1 of the attack attributes.
- Take 1 of the spells.
Level 4
- Increase HEA by +4.
- Increase WIL by +2.
- Increase two different ability scores by +1.
- Take 1 feat.
Level 5
- Increase WIL by +4.
- Increase LUS by +2.
- Increase one ability score by +1.
- Take 1 of the cantrips.
- Take 1 of the attack attributes.
- Take 1 of the spells.
You must have at least one level in this class to take the following feats:
- Arbiter’s Surge: When you wound or kill a foe, all allies in close burst 2 regain 2 HEA, 2 STA, and 2 WIL or they regain 1 LUS.
- Divine Armor: When you wear regular clothing or robes, increase your DEF by +4.
- Get Behind Me: If the target of your oath attacks an ally adjacent to you, they subtract -8 from the attack roll instead of -4.
- Holy Warrior: Whenever you would spend STA to perform a reaction or stamina action, you can instead spend WIL.
- Improved Oath of Command: Requires the oath of command. When an ally performs an opportunity attack because of your oath of command, they gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your MIN.
- Improved Oath of Sanctuary: Requires the oath of sanctuary. When you perform an opportunity attack because of your oath of sanctuary, you gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your VIT.
- Improved Oath of Vengeance: Requires the oath of vengeance. When you perform an opportunity attack because of your oath of vengeance, you gain a +4 bonus to the attack roll.
- Oath Upheld: Whenever you perform an opportunity attack against the target of your oath, you gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your SPI.
- Persistent Oath: Once per skirmish, if you are unable to engage the target of your oath, you regain the use of your arbiter’s oath.
- Warrior’s Holy Symbol: Your holy symbol’s attack becomes d6+SPI and the range becomes 3+SPI. Additionally, ranged attacks with your holy symbol no longer provoke opportunity attacks.
- Weapon Blessing (improved): When you cast a spell that blesses your weapon, you do not need to concentrate on the effect.