Bandits are unfortunately a common occurrence in Awouden. It is easier to kill for food than produce your own.
Bandit Archer
Level 1
STR: +0 DEX: +3 END: +2 VIT: +0ARC: +0 SPI: +0 INT: +0 MIN: +0DEF: 0 FOC: 0 SPE: 7
WEAPONS- Shortbow | d4+3 | 8 | 2H- Axe | d6+3 | 1 | Cruel 2
GEAR- Clothing- Shortbow- Axe
ABILITIES- Ambush: Add +d6 when targets are unaware of you.- Bandit's Evasion: Can shift 3 squares as a free action after an attack action.
Bandit Spearman
Level 1
STR: +2 DEX: +3 END: +2 VIT: +0ARC: +0 SPI: +0 INT: +0 MIN: +0DEF: 2 FOC: 0 SPE: 6
WEAPONS- Great Spear | d8+3 | 2 | 2H
GEAR- Light Armor- Great Spear
ABILITIES- Impaled: If the spearman hits with an attack, the target gains the immobilized condition until they save, or the spearman performs an attack or move action.- Bandit's Evasion: Can shift 3 squares as a free action after an attack action.
Bandit Assassin
Level 2
STR: +1 DEX: +4 END: +0 VIT: +0ARC: +0 SPI: +0 INT: +3 MIN: +3
HEA: 8/8 STA: 12/12 WIL: 8/8 LUS: 1/1DEF: 0 FOC: 0 SPE: 6
WEAPONS- Crossbow | 2d10 | 20 | 2H, Reload 2- Dagger | d4+4 | 1 | Quick
GEAR- Assassin's Cloak (Skill: Ambush)- Crossbow- Dagger
ABILITIES- Assassin's Stealth: If an assassin ends their turn in concealment, they gain total concealment instead. They become visible again when they attack or are hit by an attack.- Bandit's Evasion: Can shift 3 squares as a free action after an attack action.
Bandit Captain
Level 4
STR: +2 DEX: +4 END: +2 VIT: +2ARC: +0 SPI: +0 INT: +0 MIN: +0
HEA: 12/12 STA: 16/16 WIL: 8/8 LUS: 1/1DEF: 6 FOC: 0 SPE: 5
WEAPONS- Great Spear | d8+4 | 2 | 2H
GEAR- Medium Armor- Great Spear
ABILITIES- Bleeder: Spear attacks that hit inflict the bleeding (6) condition.- Captain's Aura: Every bandit in a close burst 2 adds +2 to attack rolls.- Captain's Coordination: As a standard action, the captain can direct attacks. Every bandit in a close burst 2 can perform an attack as a free action.- Bandit's Evasion: Can shift 3 squares as a free action after an attack action.